5 Tips to Avoid Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails is a condition where the top of the nail grows downward, into the flesh of the toe, rather than above it. Not only is this condition unsightly, but it can also be quite painful, requiring the services of apodiatrist in Austin, TX. The treatment for an ingrown toenail can be quite straightforward, depending upon how early it’s detected and treated. However, left untreated, the problem can become quite serious. As with other things, prevention is always easier. Here are X tips to avoid ingrown toenails in the first place.

1. Trim Toenails Regularly

Don’t allow your toenails to become inordinately long. They shouldn’t really extend very far past the tip of your toe. At no time should they rub against the inside of the toe portion of your shoe. This kind of chronic rubbing can turn the toenail downward, possibly leading to an ingrown toenail.

2. Trim Toenails Properly

Even the way you sculpt your toenails is important. They should be trimmed with a very slight rounded edge. There should not be an excessively sharp edge or an excessively rounded edge. Finally, avoid trimming toenails too short, which can increase the chances of the nail growing into the surrounding tissue.

3. Keep Feet Clean and Dry

Fungal infections can cause the toenails to thicken, which makes them more likely to become ingrown. Keeping your feet clean and dry reduces the risk of infections that can complicate the condition of your toenails. After washing, thoroughly dry your feet, paying special attention to the spaces between your toes.

4. Examine Toenails Regularly

Many people simply don’t pay enough attention to their feet. Apart from any desire to make sure they look attractive, you should regularly examine your toenails to avoid developing problems. If you notice that nails are growing downward, contact your podiatrist right away. There may be an underlying reason for this condition.

5. Avoid Toe Trauma

Wear footwear whenever it makes sense. Going barefoot increases the likelihood of foot trauma, which can lead to ingrown toenails. Even something so simple as stubbing your toe or dropping something heavy on your foot can cause an issue.

If you need treatment foringrown toenails in Austin, TX, contact your podiatrist at Jeffrey LaMour. We offer ingrown toenail treatment so you can get back on your feet again.

What to Expect from Laser Treatment on an Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails start off as little more than an annoyance, which causes people to brush off their importance quickly. However, the longer an ingrown toenail goes without treatment, the more likely it is to get infected. If you’ve been putting off going to see the doctor, we’ll look at how laser treatment is used to treat this condition, and why it’s important to see a specialist sooner than later.

Laser Treatment for Ingrown Toenails

Laser treatment was developed as a noninvasive option for people with ingrown toenails in Pflugerville and Austin, TX. The laser uses heat to correct the nail, precisely treating the affected area so patients can get near-immediate relief. If you opt for this, you can expect there to be minimal pain or swelling during the procedure as well as a very short recovery time. The right podiatrist can help you not only fix ingrown toenails, but also prevent them from coming back.

Ingrown toenails are defined by the edge of the toenail. If it starts growing into the soft tissue of the nail bed, it will compress the nail and force it to grow in the wrong direction. You can reduce the odds of ingrown toenails by wearing the right sized shoes and trimming your nails, though for some people, it’s not always possible to prevent based on the size and shape for their foot and toes.

Podiatrists in Austin, TX

The right podiatrist in Austin can tell you more about how your ingrown toenails are progressing and what the best course is for you. At the offices of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, with locations in Pflugerville and Austin, you’ll get expert care that can help you avoid anything from general pain to amputation.

Important Ingrown Toenail FAQs

Are you having issues with your feet? If so, you might need to make an appointment with a podiatrist in Austin, TX for a diagnosis. Don’t worry, though, it might be something as simple as an ingrown toenail. Let’s go over some ingrown toenail FAQs.

Important Ingrown Toenail FAQs

Here are some of the most common ingrown toenail questions.

Will an ingrown toenail heal itself?

No, an ingrown toenail won’t heal itself. But it’s possible if you catch it early on, you might be able to treat it at home. With that being said, it’s best to talk with a podiatrist to make sure no infection is present.

Should you cut out an ingrown toenail?

No, cutting out an ingrown toenail can lead to infection and make the situation worse.

Should you treat your ingrown toenail with hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant; therefore, you can treat your ingrown toenail with it if it hasn’t progressed into a moderate or severe situation.

Does Epsom salt draw out an ingrown toenail infection?

Yes, Epsom salt is great for healing an ingrown toenail infection. Try placing your foot in a mixture of warm water and Epsom salt for 15-20 minutes two times a day the first week, then once a day for the second week.

Will Neosporin help heal an ingrown toenail?

Each day, after soaking your foot in Epsom salt, you can apply some medicated cream to the affected area. Rub some Polysporin or Neosporin cream (not the ointment) on the area. However, talk with your podiatrist for advice about the proper ingrown toenail treatment first. They might recommend you keep the area dry after a point so your toe can heal.

Do you need a podiatrist in Austin, TX?

If you need a podiatrist in Austin, TX, please Contact Jeffery Lamour DPM, PA today. We have been providing patient-centered podiatry services to our patients for more than 20 years. Our state-of-the-art offices enable us to offer the most advanced treatments, as well as preventive and proactive solutions. We look forward to meeting you!


When Should I See a Doctor About my Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails can be a painful and uncomfortable condition. They occur when the nail grows into the skin around the nail bed. While many people can treat mild cases of ingrown toenails at home, there are times when it is necessary to seek medical attention.

The skilled team at Dr. Jefferey Lamour DPM, PA, of Austin, TX, is proud to serve the local community with definitive therapy and techniques to restore confidence in their abilities.

When Should I See a Doctor About my Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails can be a painful and uncomfortable condition. They occur when the nail grows into the skin around the nail bed. While many people can treat mild cases of ingrown toenails at home, there are times when it is necessary to seek medical attention.

What are Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails can be caused by various factors, including improper nail trimming, wearing tight shoes, and trauma to the toe. The condition can cause pain, swelling, redness, and even infection. In severe cases, an ingrown toenail may require surgery to remove a portion of the nail or the entire nail.

Signs of Severe Infection

While mild cases of ingrown toenails can often be treated at home, signs of severe infection require medical attention. These signs include:

  1. Pus or drainage coming from the nail bed
  2. Redness and swelling which do not go away after a few days
  3. Increased pain, even after taking pain medication

Your Local Trusted Podiatrist

If you experience these signs, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is essential. A doctor will be able to assess the severity of the condition. During your next consultation with the trained team at Dr. Jefferey Lamour DPM, PA, of Austin, TX, you can be sure you are receiving the proper care and guidance you deserve.

3 At-Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be a serious hassle. Not only can they be extremely painful, but they can also impact your daily life. Luckily, you can do a few things at home to find relief.Keep reading to learn 3 at-home remedies for those annoying ingrown toenails.


Soaking your ingrown toenail is one of the most popular ways to reduce swelling and ease pain. First, try soaking your foot in warm, soapy water for about 20 minutes. While most soaps will work, we recommend Castile soap. Another tip is to add Epsom salts, which can provide additional benefit. If a water soak doesn’t bring any relief, consider soaking your foot in apple cider vinegar. This substance is said to have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and pain-relieving qualities. To try this remedy, combine water with ¼ cup apple cider vinegar in a large bowl, then soak for about 20 minutes.

Need professional help for an ingrown toenail? For trusted ingrown toenail treatment in Austin, TX, or the surrounding area, contact Dr. Jeffery W. LaMour today!

Applying Ointment

Experts also recommend applying antiseptic ointment to the area. Most over-the-counter antiseptic ointments or creams should work, which are known to encourage healing and lower the chance of infection. Make sure you apply the ointment as directed on the package instructions, and use it up to three times daily. Common brand name ointments include Neosporin, Polysporin, and Bactroban.

Wearing the Right Shoes and Socks

If you wear the wrong footwear or socks, this can actually be the leading cause of an ingrown toenail. In order to give your toenail enough room to breathe and grow properly, it’s important to wear loose, comfortable shoes and socks.

Looking for professional care instead? To work with a leading podiatrist in Austin, TX, call Dr. Jeffery W. LaMour today to schedule an appointment!

Top 3 Reasons You Should Treat Your Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails often do not receive the attention they deserve. While they are painful, it can be dangerous to “tough it out” as it may evolve into a serious problem that can become infected or cause serious complications. Dr. Jefferey Lamour of Austin, TX provides patients with the proper care and advice that they need to diagnose and treat any issue resulting from an ingrown toenail.

What is an Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail is exactly as it sounds. Your toenails regularly grow, with some people having more active development than others. The growing edges of your nail can sometimes be pressed against the soft tissue of your toe, which leaves no choice for the nail but to grow into the soft tissue of the toe rather than alongside the nail bed. The main causes of ingrown toenails are

  • Restrictive shoes
  • Certain nail and foot shapes
  • Cutting, trimming, or buffing nails into a curved shape rather than straight

If you find yourself in a situation where the pain persists for a few days, it may be time for professional treatment.

Why Should an Ingrown Toenail be Treated?

Other than alleviating yourself of the discomfort from an ingrown toenail, they should be treated before they become more serious.


Toenail fungus is much more prevalent during an ingrown toenail, especially if left to fester. Once the nail is deep within the tissue, it can further develop thickening or discoloration.


The healing response is compromised during an ingrown toenail and opens up new areas for bacteria and pathogens to enter. This increases your risk of infection.

Minimize Spread

Complications that come with infection or compromised immunity can quickly spread throughout the toe, foot, and leg.

Your Local Quality Foot Care Team

If you have persistent pain or have not identified the root cause of the issue for your ingrown toenail, it is time for a professional consultation. During your appointment with Dr. Jefferey Lamour of Austin, TX you can be sure that you are receiving the proper care to address your unique situation.

When Is It Time to See A Professional About My Ingrown Toenail?

Ingrown toenails happen from time to time. Although they are prevalent, there are various situations where you may need to consult a professional. An ingrown toenail causes soreness in the affected area and can feel like your entire foot or toe is on fire. This may happen naturally due to how your toenail grows, but many other issues arise, such as how your nails are cut, how long you leave them, or if you have experienced injury and trauma in the nearby area.

In this post, we’ll look at the top three symptoms of visiting your podiatrist in Austin, TX.

It interferes With Your Quality of Life

Regardless of how long you have had the pain, your ingrown toenail may cause a major shift to occur in your life. If the pain subsides after a few days and is completely bearable during your day-to-day life, there may not be any cause for concern. However, if you are unable to walk without pain, your shoes do not fit, or you are not able to take part in your daily physical activity – it may be time to have a professional look at your situation.

There is Moderate to Severe Discoloration

Ingrown toenails happen in myriad ways and can cause many different complications. Toenails that are purple or yellow show signs of infection and internal bleeding, often accompanied by severe pain when touching or placing pressure on the affected area; in these cases, it is best to see a professional immediately.

The Pain is Persistent

If the pain has been substantial and, most important, present for longer than a few weeks – it is best to err on the side of caution and seek professional guidance.

Treatment Options: Podiatrist in Austin, TX

Podiatrists are professionally licensed medical practitioners that handle all manner of challenges related to your foot health. Dr. Jeffery Lamour has over 20 years of experience dealing with ingrown toenails in Austin, TX. During your appointment, he will prescribe the best course of action for your situation.

Treatment Options for Ingrown Toenails

Is your toe unusually sore? It may be that you have an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails happen when the hard corner of a toenail begins growing into the corner of the soft flesh that surrounds it. Several factors may contribute to ingrown toenails, including how you shape the nail when clipping it. This condition usually affects the big toe, and when it happens, you’ll know something is amiss. A visit to your podiatrist in Austin or Pflugerville, TX, can bring relief from the pain and discomfort of an ingrown toenail.

How Does Your Podiatrist Treat Ingrown Toenails?

Your podiatrist will begin by taking a close look at your affected foot. If the nail has ingrown, they may prescribe antibiotic ointment or oral medication and give you instructions on how to soak and wrap your toe at home.

Will You Need Surgery for Your Ingrown Toenail?

In more serious instances, a partial or full toenail removal may be required, which isn’t as bad as it sounds. When your podiatrist removes your toenail, they first administer an anesthetic, so you feel no pain. Afterward, they’ll usually remove the small portion of the nail that’s growing into the skin. In severe cases, they may remove the entire nail. In either event, your toe will heal quickly, and you can usually return to your regular schedule the next day. In most cases, over-the-counter pain killers are all that’s needed after surgery for your ingrown toenail.

Find Treatment for Ingrown Toenails in Austin, TX

If you need treatment for an ingrown toenail in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, call Dr. Jeffery Lamour, DPM, PA. Dr. Jeffery Lamour has been helping patients take good care of their feet for more than two decades, and he’s ready to help you, too. Set up a consultation today.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails occur when a sharp corner of your nail rubs against the sensitive flesh of your toe, Because toenails are naturally rigid, that sharp edge of the nail against soft tissue causes discomfort and pain. When you need help with an ingrown toenail in Austin, contact the office of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour.

An ingrown nail can happen to anyone. The following are some of the most common causes:

Improper Toenail Trimming

People often cut fingernails in a way that mimics the curvature of their fingers. But doing this with toenails might lead to ingrown nails. The corners of your toenails could grow into your skin if you cut them too short or in a curved shape.

Trim toenails in a straight line instead, and avoid the urge to trim toenails too short. If toenail trimming becomes problematic for you, your Austin podiatrist can take care of it for you.

Ill-Fitting Shoes

Shoes with narrow toe boxes and shoes that are too small for your feet can cause the toes to squeeze together in an unnatural fashion. When this happens, the toenails can be forced into the delicate skin around them, making it more likely that you will develop an ingrown toenail.

Instead, opt for comfortable, high-quality shoes that fit well. Choose leather shoes when possible, as leather stretches and conforms to the shape of the feet better than man-made materials.

Naturally Bent Toenail

Sometimes individuals are born with one or more naturally bent toenails. In a case like this, you can expect to have a higher risk of developing ingrown toenails over the course of a lifetime.

If this is the case, it’s even more important to follow the advice mentioned above. In addition, regular visits to Dr. Jeffrey Lamour’s podiatrist office are crucial to help prevent potential issues with ingrown toenails before they worsen.

If you do develop an ingrown toenail, contact us today to book an appointment as soon as possible. Ingrown toenails are highly treatable, but left untreated they can develop into a serious infection.

4 Big Reasons Your Ingrown Toenails Keep Coming Back

Pain with every step, inflammation around the toenail, excruciating tenderness when you apply pressure to your toe—sounds like you need ingrown toenail treatment in Austin. Unfortunately, treatment for ingrown toenails is not always once and done; many people have to see a podiatrist more than once for the same problem. Here is a look at just a few of the reasons why you may continue to have problems with toenails ingrown into the sides of your toes.

Ill-Fitting Shoes

Shoes that do not give your toes enough to move or even move around too much against your toes can be the underlying cause of ingrown toenails. When your toes are squeezed together because the toe of your shoe is too narrow, this can push the edge of the toenail into the surrounding toe tissue and cause it to grow that way. If your shoes are moving around against the edge of your toe, inflammation can weaken the skin around the nailbed and also lead to an ingrown.

Improper Toenail Trimming Methods

Always trim your toenails straight across, and don’t trim them too short. You may be tempted to cut off the edges to keep them from resting on your skin, but this can actually continuously contribute to ingrown toenail problems.


Even genetics can play a role in persistent ingrown toenail problems. Genetics can determine the shape of your toe, your toenails, and even the thickness of the toenail itself. Naturally, the shape and other attributes of the toe can contribute to your risk of developing an ingrown toenail.

Toe Injuries

It is not uncommon for people who have sustained toe injuries to have persistent problems with ingrown toenails. If your toe gets stubbed, for example, the nail can cut into the side of your toe, weakening that tissue. If inflammation occurs due to the injury, you are more likely to have problems with ingrown toenails.

Looking for a Podiatrist in Austin, TX?

Even though problems with ingrown toenails are one of the most common reasons for a visit to an Austin podiatrist, this is not an issue to overlook. If you have persistent problems with ingrown toenails, reach out to us at the office of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA.