Treatment Options for Ankle Pain

Many things could cause that pain in your ankle, including injury or chronic disease. Before your podiatrist in Pflugerville, TX, can treat your ankle pain, they must discover the source of your discomfort.

Achilles Tendonitis

Your Achilles tendon is the band of tight tissue that connects the heel of your foot to your calf muscles. And when you cause damage to this tendon, your body will let you know in several ways, including pain that feels as though it’s located in your ankles. Sports injuries are the most common causes of damage to the Achilles tendon, and as long as the damage is mild, such as from overuse, simple treatment plans will help alleviate pain. Treatment may include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Simple stretching exercises
  • Orthotic devices, such as wedges worn in shoes to deflect pressure from the tendon
  • Surgery


Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that can affect the ankle joint by wearing away the protective cartilage that separates the bones. Treatment for osteoarthritis may include:

  • Pain relieving medications
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Cortisone injections
  • Surgery

Sprained Ankle

Sprains happen when you roll or twist your ankle so severely that it damages the surrounding ligaments. If you’ve ever had a sprain injury, you understand just how painful they can be. If your podiatrist diagnoses a sprained ankle, they may prescribe the following treatments:

  • Wrapping the ankle with an elastic bandage
  • Rest
  • Application of ice
  • Pain medication

If you’re suffering from the discomfort of ankle pain in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, call Dr. Jeffery LaMour, DPM, PA to set up an appointment today. One of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Treatment Options for Achilles Tendinitis

Your Achilles tendon is the large band that attaches the heel of your foot to your calf muscles. It’s the largest tendon in your body, and without it, you wouldn’t be able to walk, run, jump or do any number of other activities you enjoy daily. Your podiatrist in Austin, TX, can tell you more about the importance of keeping your Achilles tendon in good shape, and they can treat any problems that might arise, such as Achilles tendonitis.

What Is Achilles Tendinitis?

Sports injuries are a common cause of Achilles tendon complaints. Overuse of this tendon can cause a condition known as Achilles tendinitis. This is a painful condition that usually begins as mild pain in the back of the leg. It may feel as though the pain radiates down into your foot and ankle, and it usually causes stiffness and decreased range of movement.

Runners and sprinters are especially at risk for Achilles tendonitis, but it can happen to anybody. Climbing steps can contribute to the condition, so can any repetitive movement that causes you to flex your toes or jump.

What Can Be Done for Achilles Tendinitis?

Achilles tendinitis is easily diagnosed, and it’s just as simple to treat in most instances. Your podiatrist will first perform a comprehensive exam to diagnose your condition. Afterward, they’ll discuss treatment options that may include:

  • Pain relievers
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Exercises you can do at home
  • An orthotic device, such as a wedge, that slips into your shoe
  • Physical therapy

In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair the Achilles tendon. Usually, this is unnecessary for Achilles tendonitis. However, if your condition worsens with time, your podiatrist may recommend it.

Achilles Tendinitis in Austin, TX

For help with Achilles tendinitis in Austin, TX, call Dr. Jeffery LaMour, DPM, PA, today.


Achilles Tendinitis: Signs and Symptoms

Your Achilles tendon is the band of tissue that connects the heel of your foot to your calf muscles. If you overuse it, you may develop a painful condition called Achilles tendinitis. Achilles tendinitis can affect anyone who has recently abused their Achilles tendon, but it happens mostly to athletes. This is especially true of runners, joggers, and those who play aggressively active sports, such as racquetball or tennis. Usually, it begins as an ache in the heel or calf and intensifies with use.

If you suspect you may have Achilles tendinitis in Austin, TX, a visit to your podiatrist will provide solutions.

Early Signs of Achilles Tendinitis

If you stress your Achilles tendon, your first symptom may be stiffness or a dull ache in the affected area upon waking in the morning. As you move throughout your day, the pain may lessen, only to return in full force the next morning.

This condition may be mildly painful or comfortable. Or, it may feel debilitating, making it difficult for you to walk. If you’re suffering severe pain in your Achilles tendon, this may indicate something more serious than tendinitis, such as a torn tendon. In this instance, you should seek emergency care.

Additional Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis

If you’ve overstressed your Achilles tendon, it may feel painful to the touch. You may also experience heat and swelling in the area surrounding your heel. Additionally, you may find it nearly impossible to climb stairs or to stand on your toes.

These are all signs that you need to make an appointment with your podiatrist in Austin, TX, right away. Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, is a top choice. Call today to schedule a consultation and to begin treatment for Achilles tendinitis.

What Causes Achilles Tendonitis And How Is It Treated?

The Achilles tendons, the largest tendons in your body, join the muscles of your lower legs to the heel bone of your feet. While tendons are certainly strong, they’re not particularly flexible, which means your Achilles tendons stretch only so far before they tear or get inflamed, which is called tendonitis.

Achilles tendonitis can range from slightly uncomfortable to severely painful, and it often develops in runners and other active people.

Let’s take a look at what causes tendonitis and how to treat it.

The most common causes of Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is commonly an overuse injury. It’s usually the result of repetitive actions that lead to gradual wear and tear of your tendon, but an Achilles tendon injury can also happen suddenly.

Achilles tendonitis most often comes about with overuse. When pushed beyond their limit, the tiny fibers that make up the tendon can tear, causing pain, swelling, and inflammation. This is one tendon that has a particularly poor blood supply, making it more susceptible to overuse or wear-and-tear injuries.

Insertional Achilles tendonitis can be associated with a heel bone spur. The spur rubs against the tendon, resulting in smaller tears. Think of a rope constantly rubbing against a sharp, pointy rock.

Some of the most common causes of Achilles tendonitis include:

  • Overpronated, or very flat, feet
  • Sudden changes to your training surface, like from grass to tar
  • Doing too much training
  • Frequent hill running
  • Exercising without warming up
  • Not wearing the right supportive footwear
  • Tight calf muscles and hamstrings
  • A high foot arch
  • A traumatic injury to your Achilles tendon
  • Constantly wearing high heels or walking on your toes

As many as 10 in 100,000 people suffer from Achilles tendonitis. While recovery can be slow, it is a treatable condition.

How we treat Achilles tendonitis

Doctors can choose from a variety of treatments for Achilles tendonitis. These range from anti-inflammatory medications to platelet-rich plasma injections, and even surgery depending on the severity of your condition. Most of the time, Achilles tendonitis doesn’t require medical intervention. In cases of chronic Achilles tendonitis, it becomes necessary to seek medical attention to end your pain and suffering.

Common suggestions include:

  • Taking a break from physical activity or at least reducing how much you do
  • Gentle stretches
  • Trying a less strenuous activity

The RICE method proves particularly helpful when it comes to treating Achilles tendonitis, provided you follow the method right after you’re injured. Here’s how it works:

  • Rest: Keep the pressure off your tendon for a couple of days.
  • Ice: Hold a bag of ice against your skin for 20 minutes at a time. This can help ease swelling and inflammation.
  • Compression: Wrap athletic tape or a bandage around your tendon to compress the injury and keep swelling down.
  • Elevation: Keep your foot raised above chest level to keep the swelling down.

Another option is called extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT). During treatment, Dr. LaMour uses high-energy shock waves to stimulate healing. ESWT is often used when other conservative treatment options have failed, and if it’s successful, it could save you from needing surgery.

Noticing the symptoms

Achilles tendonitis feels like a burning pain as you begin an activity. The pain lessens during your activity and then gets worse again afterward. Your tendon might feel stiff when you wake up in the morning, too.

Common Achilles tendonitis symptoms include:

  • Pain that gets worse when you use your tendon
  • Loss of strength, stiffness, and pain in the affected area
  • More stiffness and pain during the night or first thing in the morning
  • A crunching sound when you use the tendon
  • The area may feel warm and tender and appear red and swollen

If you’re suffering from Achilles tendonitis that is not getting better with home remedies, it’s time to book an appointment with Dr. LaMour, who has two offices conveniently located in Austin and Pflugerville, Texas.

What You Should Know About Achilles Tendinitis

Perhaps you’ve heard of Achilles tendinitis and think it only happens to marathon runners or hard-core athletes. But this injury can happen to people of all ages and athletic levels. If it’s not properly treated, it can lead to an extremely painful tendon rupture.

How Does it Happen?

You use your Achilles tendon every day. It’s the largest tendon in your body and connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. It is strong and tough, but it takes a lot of abuse from daily walking, running, and jumping. If you overuse it (like during intense exercise), or if you suddenly increase your activity (common with “weekend warriors”), it can become inflamed and painful.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis

It’s important to recognize the possible signs of Achilles tendinitis. If you continue to strain the Achilles tendon while it’s inflamed, it can lead to a rupture that requires surgery. It can also cause a bone spur (hard, bony growth) on the back of the heel.

Possible symptoms include:

  • Pain and stiffness in the calf or heel area in the morning
  • Pain in the back of the heel that feels worse when you exercise
  • A bone spur or hard bump on the back of the heel
  • Swelling in the back of the heel and/or calf that gets worse with exercise

How It’s Treated

Most cases of Achilles tendinitis can be effectively managed with non-surgical treatment by your podiatrist. Your options may include:

  • Rest. You’ll have to take a break from the activities that make the pain worse.
  • Ice. Icing is a great way to naturally relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Calf stretches. Your podiatrist can show you how to do specific exercises to gently stretch the tendon and help it heal.
  • Supportive shoes and/or orthotics. Some people benefit from a special shoe or insert that raises up the heel slightly, giving the tendon an opportunity to heal. Your podiatrist can recommend the right ones for you.

When Surgery is Needed

If your pain is not relieved after several months of non-surgical treatment, your podiatrist may discuss surgery with you. There are a variety of surgical techniques designed to repair the tendon and remove a bone spur if needed.

Dr. LaMour will discuss your surgical options and make sure you’re comfortable moving forward with the surgery and recovery. Most people who have a damaged tendon and daily pain find that the surgery provides much-needed relief.

If you have heel pain or other symptoms of Achilles tendinitis, contact our podiatry office to learn how you can address the problem and get back to the activities you love!