Entries by Jeffrey LaMour, DPM, PA

Common Foot Problems for Athletes

There’s no one ‘athletic type’. Take football players and golfers, for example. Both are athletes, but each has completely different athletic needs – from training to nutrition to physical demands – based on their respective sports. But there is one thing that almost every athlete shares in common, regardless of their sport: foot problems. At […]

6 Signs That It’s Time to See a Podiatrist

Even though our feet are an integral part of our overall body health, many people will delay seeing a podiatrist or foot specialist for nagging foot problems until it’s too late. Many people wait to see a foot specialist simply because they don’t recognize the signs and symptoms of common foot problems that warrant a closer look. […]

Common Myths About Foot Health

Despite recent advances in the availability of health information, foot health is still somewhat a mystery. There are many old wives’ tales and colloquial advice about feet and footcare that are well-known, but aren’t necessarily based in fact. When it comes to foot health, it’s important to separate fact from fiction, so we’ve rounded up some of the […]

What to Do When A Gout Attack Strikes

Now that the holiday season is in full swing, the added stress and non-gout-friendly foods that are characteristic of the season can increase your chances of having a gout flare. Even if it’s been years since your last flare, you may still be at risk for the painful discomfort that a gout flare can produce. But if […]

Runners and Heel Pain

One of the most common physical problems that frequent runners experience is heel pain. With the repeated pounding and pressure on the structure of the foot during regular runs, it’s understandable that many runners will experience foot problems like heel pain at some point in time. When it comes to treating heel pain in runners, there […]