Entries by Jeffrey LaMour, DPM, PA

Top 4 Causes of Ankle Pain

Our ankles are one of the most sensitive areas of our bodies. Most people have probably experienced ankle pain at least once in their lives. It isn’t always easy to identify exactly what’s causing that sharp sting or dull ache in your ankle, however. That’s where your Austin foot and ankle doctor, Jeffery LaMour, comes in. […]

Healing Cracked Heels and Dry Skin

Most of us never even consider the skin of our heels—that is, until they become dry and cracked. Dealing with scratchy, dehydrated, broken heel skin can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. As the Institute for Preventive Foot Health explains, “cracked heels, also called ‘heel fissures,’ are a fairly common foot condition,” unfortunately. While “for many people they […]

Repair Your Feet with this Advanced Treatment

We live in a time of great technological transformation. It seems like every day brings a new innovation to help us live better lives. In the twenty-first century of medicine, Austin podiatrist, Dr. Jeffery LaMour and our team are committed to using state-of-the-art technology. We want the patients at our practice to benefit from the best our […]

What are Corns?

When you think of the word “corn,” you might imagine long green stalks, bright yellow kernels, or even a white, fluffy snack at the movie theater. While “corn” is most certainly a favorite food, this term also refers to an irritating and sometimes painful condition that commonly affects the feet. Most people don’t know about […]

Protect Your Feet During Marathon Season

Have you ever thought about running a marathon? According to Running USA, there were “more than 1,100 marathons run across [America]” in 2013 alone, so you’ll have ample opportunities to compete in one of these races. Many of them take place during the fall, when temperatures are cooler and people have more holiday weekends off. While they […]

Morton’s Neuroma: Causes and Treatment

Do you know that infinitely irritating feeling when you get a small rock stuck in your shoe? Can you imagine having that feeling constantly? This is one of the main symptoms of a foot condition called Morton’s neuroma. Most likely, you’ve never heard of this disease. Many people are not familiar with foot disorders, which […]

Why is My Foot Tingling?

Have you ever felt your foot tingling? This seemingly strange symptom is actually quite common. In his article on this topic for Foot Vitals, Dr. Gregg Congdon explains: “an estimated 20 million Americans…suffer from tingling feet.” While not necessarily a painful sensation, tingling can be quite uncomfortable or disturbing, particularly if it becomes prolonged. Austin foot doctor, Dr. Jeffery […]