Entries by Jeffrey LaMour, DPM, PA

Are You a Good Candidate for Custom Orthotics?

You can go out and buy shoe inserts in just about any store that says they will relieve a full list of problems. Unfortunately, these one-size-fits-most solutions rarely deliver everything they promise. Custom orthotics are shoe inserts that are specifically created to support the size, shape, and step of your foot personally. You can only […]

What Causes Bone Spurs?

Bone spurs are overgrowths of bone on parts of the body. Bone spurs often form due to osteoarthritis but also can be caused by genetic conditions. They can be painful and hard to tolerate if they are bad enough but can sometimes be managed with healthy lifestyle choices. Bone spurs form where irritation and inflammation […]

Got Toenail Fungus? Get the Facts!

Unsightly and embarrassing, many people suffer from toenail fungus, even though it is a subject that likely will not come up in general conversation. Toenail fungus is usually characterized by yellowed or discolored, thickened toenails that may grow misshapenly or be more brittle than usual. Toenail fungus is especially hard to treat, and you can […]

Diabetic Neuropathy Study

Dr. Jeff LaMour, DPM (512) 451-3668 is looking for people with diabetes and foot pain. We are running a clinical study on our product NoxyPure. The study evaluations and treatments will be free to those who qualify and participate. Must be a non-smoker between 20-85 years old and have diabetes with HbA1C under 11% for […]

Got Bunions? A Few Important Facts to Know

Studies suggest that about 23 percent of people from 18 to 65 have bunions. What are these growths on the feet and how are they treated? Here is a look at a few important things every person with bunions should know. Bunions are caused by several things. Bunions can have several causation factors, such as: […]