Three Types of Arthritis That Can Severely Affect Your Feet

Did you know that arthritis can affect your feet? It can. In fact, there are three types of arthritis, which can all cause problems for your feet. But how do you know if that pain in your feet is being caused by arthritis or something else? Your podiatrist in Austin, TX, can help.

Three Types of Arthritis That Can Severely Affect Your Feet

Here are the three types of arthritis, what causes them, how each affects your feet, and the treatments that are available.

1. Osteoarthritis

The main cause of osteoarthritis is aging. As you age, the cartilage around your joints begins to break down, and this results in friction and, in turn, pain.

2. Gout

Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis. It usually comes on quickly and results in swelling, extreme pain, and tenderness. Gout occurs when you have too much uric acid in your blood. The uric acid creates painful crystals in your joints. Some medical conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, and family history all increase your chances of getting gout. If you think you have this condition and want a treatment for gout in Austin, TX, please see a podiatrist right away.

3. Rheumatoid

Rheumatoid arthritis takes place when your immune system attacks your joint linings. This gradually makes your joint linings weaker. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known. However, smoking and obesity have been shown to increase your chances of getting rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatments Used for Arthritic Feet

The treatments for arthritic feet will vary from person to person and will depend on the type of arthritis you have. However, the most common treatments include steroids, anti-inflammatory medications, custom orthotics, weight loss, improved diet, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and drinking plenty of water to help remove the excess uric acid from your blood.

Are You Looking for a Reputable Podiatrist in Austin, TX?

If you are looking for a reputable podiatrist in Austin, TX, please Contact Jeffery Lamour, DPM, PA, today. Dr. Lamour has more than 20 years of experience treating acute and chronic issues of the feet and ankles. Our state-of-the-art offices are warm and welcoming, and we would love to help you become pain-free!