Are Plantar Warts Painful?
Plantar warts are growths that show up on the bottom of your…
Three Types of Arthritis That Can Severely Affect Your Feet
Did you know that arthritis can affect your feet? It can. In…
Does a Pinched Toe Mean I Have Hammertoe?
Pinched toes are a relatively common occurrence, and they can…
3 Signs Your Bunions Are Causing Your Foot Pain
Bunions are more than an annoyance for many people. Of course,…
I Think I Have Foot Fungus - How Can I Get Treatment?
Foot fungus is a problem that can affect athletes as well as…
Are Your Shoes Causing Your Foot Pain?
At times, the question of whether your shoes are causing pain…
Top Three Best Treatments for Ankle Injuries
Ankle pain can bring your world to a full stop, regardless of…
Is Plantar Fasciitis Keeping You Off Your Feet? We Can Help
Plantar fasciitis in Austin TX is a common problem that causes…
Austin TX
8015 Shoal Creek Blvd Suite 119Austin, TX 78757
Phone: (512) 451-3668
Pflugerville TX
200 N Heatherwilde BlvdPflugerville, TX 78660
Phone: (512) 451-3668